Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy New Year Resolution

I never normally make new years resolutions, mostly because I just cant stick to them. I guess everyone thinks new year, new start. Usually I'm going to be fitter, loose weight, etc etc....

I've decided mine this year is to spend less money on things I don't really need. I know that sounds like a boring resolution but there is so much waste and tat they we all generally buy that we don't need. 

Firstly I started my Instagram challenge Kelly's dress challenge as I know I have a crazy amount of clothes well dresses. I'm going to wear a different dress each day and that will help me circulate my wardrobe! I mean 100 dresses is surely enough for anyone... isn't it??

I'm also going to use up my endless supply of craft item, fabric stashes ribbon, clay and buttons and make a lot of gifts this year. Also my baking skills will come into good use here. Not only will it reuse stuff I already have in my home but I think its much nicer to have something lovely that has been handmade. Rather than buy something mass produced. I will do tutorials on things I make along the way.

I already buy lots of second hand furniture to upcycle and bits of crockery which I love to use or make cute candles out of teacups and jugs.

Anything I cant make I'm going to try and buy from independent shops where possible. 

And finally, I really really need to learn to crochet this year. Both my nan and sister are amazing at knitting and crocheting that I'm going to make some time to learn... 

Have you thought of any new years resolutions? 

Happy New Year 


x x x

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